I've been going through all my scraps, cutting them into 2 1/2 inch squares, and making them into 4 patches. I settled on 4 patches because I originally wanted to do a double 4 patch block. However, as I laid some of the 4 patches out, I realized that particular pattern wasn't going to look as I wanted it to. "Well crap!" I thought. I already had about 30 4 patches made, enough that I didn't want to start over with something different.
I couldn't think of what to do. I knew I didn't like the double four patch layout, and wanted to do something a little more challenging than a checkerboard pattern. I started sketching, and came to the conclusion that I'd set the 4 patches on point, alternating with unbleached muslin. The muslin was neutral enough that it blended well with all the different colors, and left some nice open space so the 4 patches really popped. I may go through more of my scraps later and see if I can applique some tiny flowers or leaves or something on the squares.

Here's a picture of what I've done so far, piecing wise. All the 4 patches are made, but I still have to cut out more setting squares and triangles (I ran out of muslin and had to go get more).
I'm really pleased with the way it's turning out. I was nervous about doing anything on point since the mini quilt was such a nightmare,but so far so good.
p.s. There are 89 4 patch blocks. That counts what's already pieced and the ones waiting. 89 X 4 = 356! Yikes, that's a lot of scraps.