Trying is the operative word. I tried myself out the other week when I got it. I think some of the words I was saying were making my husband blush. First, I couldn't treadle. Then when I got the hang of that, I couldn't get the yarn to go on the bobbin. Then, a piece broke on it. I was pretty angry because that meant I wouldn't get any practice, but I emailed Jan Ford, the company owner, and she was nothing but nice. I sent pictures of the part that had broken and she sent one immediately at no charge. It came in last night and I got to work on it. I started getting frustrated because it wasn't going well again, but I had Jason talk nicely to it and fiddle with it a bit and I started to get it. Here are the results: The darkness of the picture and of the wool hides the lumps and uneven twists. :) I was just happy to finally get yarn on the bobbin. Now I just need to practice, practice, practice.

I picked up spindling again while I was waiting for the wheel part to arrive. I wasn't ready to lay out cash on a spindle when I wasn't even sure if I'd like the wheel, but was itching to spin,so I cobbled one together out of some junk lying around the house. I saw someone on YouTube make a one out of cardboard and a pencil, so I followed suit, except I used some leftover coroplast from the piggies' cage so I wouldn't crunch the whorl when I put it in my purse.